I agree with many of the other readers who have already posted. The election of Barak Obama was a great moment of hope and celebration for the black community. Maybe now there would be real change in communities and workplaces. Maybe now, black people would not be suspect every time they walked into a store. Maybe police would begin to see young, black men as the next Barak Obama and change their tactics. Barak Obama won "the largest share of white support of any Democrat in a two-man race since 1976". (43%) So there was also reason to believe in 2008, that white people were ready for a different way and eager to be a part of it.
Obama's election gave Xavier enough confidence in the direction America was going to want to start a family with Ruth.
Ruth's return home to Granton allowed the reader to experience through her, why Barak Obama was so important to black Americans. In 2008, black women were being overlooked for promotions for positions where they were the most qualified, black men had to skip casual Fridays so they would be seen as competent employees, young black boys were seen as threatening by grown men carrying guns. Black people were treated suspiciously in stores. Disgruntled white men were blaming black men for their failures.
Ruth worked through her past so she could have a bright future. She risked her marriage and her relationships with Mama and Eli to do that. Fourteen years later what are we willing to risk?