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Break Your Carbo-Insulin Connection to Heart Disease
by Richard & Rachael Heller, Dr Frederic J. VagniniClearly written, easy to implement into your busy life, and supported by inspiring true stories of triumph and transformation.
A groundbreaking discovery in heart disease prevention led the American Heart Association to hail this landmark research that pinpointed insulin as "the most statistically significant predictor of heart attack risk"--more than smoking, body mass index, triglyceride levels, and physical inactivity--and equal to cholesterol levels.
After years of medical research, the truth is out: too much insulin in your body can lead directly to heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and excessive weight gain. What causes insulin levels to rise? Foods rich in carbohydrates--not just starches, salty snacks, and sweets--but even low-cal foods once thought to be good for you, such as salad with low-fat dressing, pita bread, diet soda, and vegetarian lasagna. Like millions of Americans, you, too, may experience intense and recurring carbohydrate cravings--a compelling hunger for foods that, in time, will wreak havoc on your body, drive up your insulin levels, and seriously compromise your health.
Now Drs. Richard and Rachael Heller, the New York Times bestselling authors of The Carbohydrate Addict's Diet, and cardiovascular surgeon, Dr. Frederic J. Vagnini, share their breakthrough program that incorporates all the latest findings to help prevent and reverse heart disease and its many damaging risk factors. Compatible with dietary guidelines as recommended by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the American Heart Association, and the American Cancer Society, The Carbohydrate Addict's Healthy Heart Program offers a safe, sensible, flexible, and easy-to-follow plan that will dramatically decrease or eliminate your cravings for high-carbohydrate foods in less than a week! Inside you'll discover
Clearly written, easy to implement into your busy life, and supported by inspiring true stories of triumph and transformation, The Carbohydrate Addict's Healthy Heart Program will show how you can have the carbohydrates you need and love and still break insulin's stranglehold on your heart's health now--and for life!
I believe that things happen for a reason or, at least, that with the right attitude something good can come out of even the worst of experiences. I never really stopped believing this, although, for many years, when the challenges were hard and I was very young, I could have argued the other side quite well.
I don't have the simple childhood memories that so many people have of friends and playing games, of parties and adventures, and of a whole wide world to discover and explore. I remember sadness and pain and a permeating truth that seemed to shape my every action and every thought.
In a child's world of wanting to belong, I lived with the unforgiving fact that I was different.
In a child's world of wanting to belong, I lived with the unforgiving fact that I was different: I was fat. And every interaction--from my brother's unrelenting teasing to my classmates' ridicule to strangers' disapproving stares--told me in word and look that being fat was a...
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