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There are currently 4 reader reviews for 2nd Chance
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This book was great. I read it twice and I still learned knew things I didn't catch the first time.
It was very good, I couldn't put it down!
loretta pennell
I'd hate to start off my review of two different books the same way but if I must I must. This book is thrilling and exciting but it also has something,else it has a personally to this book is not just about the killer,even thought that is what the story is about it also shows that the,people in it are human with the same weakness and pain and troubles we,face in the real world they will move you as you get to know each person,they will become like your friends and as they face each danger you'll,wish you were there to help them
the novel was fast paced. not very in depth but very enjoyable. a good read for a quick afternoon away from the hustle and bustle of the real world.