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BookBrowse For Libraries

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IMPORTANT: Always use your library's unique login so that your patrons get access to our full subscription content branded for your library. See for ready to use links formated for your library.

Find your next great read with BookBrowse: Your Guide to Exceptional Books
Reviews, recommendations, read-alikes, books by theme, author bios and interviews, resources for book clubs, and more. Access from anywhere using your library card number.
BookBrowse: Your Guide to Exceptional Books
The very best books entertain, engage and enlighten. They wrap us in their world, giving us a window into the lives of others or a mirror to reflect on ourselves. These are the books you'll find on BookBrowse. BookBrowse offers reviews, "beyond the book" articles,recommended reading for book clubs, read-alikes, books by themes, author interviews and more.
BookBrowse: Your Guide to Exceptional Books
The very best books entertain, engage and enlighten. They wrap us in their world, giving us a window into the lives of others or a mirror to reflect on ourselves. These are the sort of books you'll find on BookBrowse. Access from anywhere using your library card number.
Find your next great read with BookBrowse!
Reviews, recommendations, read-alikes, author bios and interviews, resources for book clubs, and more.
Free access to BookBrowse for patrons of [your library here]!
Find your next great read with this interactive magazine for booklovers.

BookBrowse offers:

  • Reviews, excerpts, recommendations and excerpts.
  • Browsing by genre, time period, geographical setting and theme.
  • Handpicked "If you like this, try these" recommendations for thousands of authors and books.
  • Resources for book clubs including recommended reads by theme, reading guides & online book club discussions.
  • One-click links to [library name] to check availability.

Click here [customize link as appropriate*] to access from the library or from home, using your library card number.

Find your next great read with BookBrowse - the guide to exceptional books.
The interactive magazine for book lovers including books by genre & theme, read-alikes, reviews and "beyond the book" articles, resources for book clubs and more.
[Library name] now offers our members free access to, a leading book recommendation and review website.

BookBrowse believes that the very best books entertain, uplift and educate. They wrap us in their world, giving us a window into the lives of others or a mirror to reflect on ourselves. These are the books you'll find on BookBrowse.

Some of BookBrowse's content is publicly available, but many premium features are accessible only by subscription. Library patrons can now use their library card to access members-only content.

Here are a few highlights of what BookBrowse has to offer:

  • In depth reviews that help you decide if a book is right for you, plus an excerpt of every featured book.
  • "Beyond the Book" articles that explore factual aspects relevant to each book.
  • More than 200 recommended reading lists, by genre, time period, setting, award winners, and a wide range of themes.
  • Handpicked "if you liked this, try these" recommendations for over 3000 books and 2000 authors.
  • Rich information and guidance for book clubs, including advice on starting and running a club, recommended books, reading guides, interviews with book clubs, and online discussions.
  • Fun quizzes, book news, polls, author interviews and book giveaways.
  • All books link directly to ""[xxxx] Library's catalog so you can check availability with one click!

See also suggested press release

If none of these options fit your need, please feel free to write your own, or contact us and we'd be glad to help.

If including a link in print, we suggest you link either to the BookBrowse "quick link" provided for your library or to - which is a generic, easy to remember, URL from which redirects patrons to their library's login page.
