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The Moment of Lift

How can we summon a moment of lift for women? Because when you lift up women, ...
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How do the personal narratives in The Moment of Lift break down the barriers that encourage exclusion, which Melinda cites as a major cause of inequality and suffering?

Created: 01/12/21

Replies: 5

Posted Jan. 12, 2021 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 10/15/10

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How do the personal narratives in The Moment of Lift break down the barriers that encourage exclusion, which Melinda cites as a major cause of inequality and suffering?

Gates asks, "What gives me the right, as an outsider, to support efforts to change the culture of communities I'm not part of ?"—a question that many Westerners have when looking for ways to help developing countries. How do the personal narratives in The Moment of Lift break down the barriers that encourage exclusion, which Melinda cites as a major cause of inequality and suffering? What threads did you trace among the stories that illustrate the importance of having a common purpose—such as all people wanting their babies to be healthy and safe, and the collective desire for love?

Posted Jan. 16, 2021 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 08/09/18

Posts: 41

RE: How do the personal narratives in The Moment of Lift break down the barriers that encourage exclusion, which Melinda cites as a major cause of inequality and suffering?

The personal narratives help illustrate Melinda’s commitment to what’s sometimes known as “design thinking” or “human centered design,” the basic premise of which is to find out what people want and need before trying to design a product or a program to help them.

Reading the personal stories helped me see how the women were already helping themselves the best they could. When Melinda stopped to listen to what they were doing and what they needed, the ways to help them move from exclusion to inclusion became clearer.

Posted Jan. 18, 2021 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 06/19/12

Posts: 408

RE: How do the personal narratives in The Moment of Lift break down the barriers that encourage exclusion, which Melinda cites as a major cause of inequality and suffering?

Personal narratives humanize problems. Individual narratives often strike a chord where big numbers and percentages are hard to grasp and visualize.

Posted Jan. 19, 2021 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 10/18/12

Posts: 29

RE: How do the personal narratives in The Moment of Lift break down the barriers that encourage exclusion, which Melinda cites as a major cause of inequality and suffering?

The personal narratives conveyed the uniqueness to each region and country revealing how exclusions affected women and children. There is no single solution but by recruiting individuals and training them sensitive to cultural norms, positive change can be made drawing those on the fringe towards the group.

Posted Jan. 21, 2021 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 04/23/11

Posts: 118

RE: How do the personal narratives in The Moment of Lift break down the barriers that encourage exclusion, which Melinda cites as a major cause of inequality and suffering?

Wholeheartedly agree with laurap. It's easy to turn away from facts and numbers but when faced with actual women and their actual situations it's much harder to ignore. This is a wonderful way of writing this kind of book.

Posted Jan. 30, 2021 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 05/14/11

Posts: 119

RE: How do the personal narratives in The Moment of Lift break down the barriers that encourage exclusion, which Melinda cites as a major cause of inequality and suffering?

When reporting, it is always important to tell individual stories in order for the reader to identify with the problems of others. Melissa Gates does good job of relating these stories an allowing the reader to hear some of the outcomes that happened for these people.


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