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The Moment of Lift

How can we summon a moment of lift for women? Because when you lift up women, ...
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On average, women spend seven years more doing unpaid work than men. Discuss your perspective on unpaid work done by yourself and other women from your own life.

Created: 01/12/21

Replies: 4

Posted Jan. 12, 2021 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 10/15/10

Posts: 3442

On average, women spend seven years more doing unpaid work than men. Discuss your perspective on unpaid work done by yourself and other women from your own life.

Gates cites shocking statistics about the time women spend doing unpaid work—an average of seven years more than men in a lifetime, or the equivalent of the time it would take to earn a bachelor's and master's degree. Discuss your perspective on unpaid work done by women from your own life. Have you ever tried to reduce your unpaid work or redistribute it? What has worked for you?

Posted Jan. 16, 2021 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 06/13/11

Posts: 107

RE: On average, women spend seven years more doing unpaid work than men. Discuss your perspective on unpaid work done by yourself and other women from your own life.

This was very true for my generation but the next generation is changing a lot. Both of my sons have wives who work and they both cook more meals than their wives do. They also spend a lot of time with their children and help with the cleaning. More education and opportunities have allowed women to make more money and contribute to the family income. The key is to raise boys that don't have to be "macho" (women's work and men's work). There also needs to be respect of each other so they can share duties.

Posted Jan. 23, 2021 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 09/07/20

Posts: 27

RE: On average, women spend seven years more doing unpaid work than men. Discuss your perspective on unpaid work done by yourself and other women from your own life.

I learned about unpaid work after I married my husband who was in the military and learned that the wife of a military officer is not supposed to work, that they expect to get "two'fers" (two for one). I worked very hard to get 2 degrees in education and did not plan to stop teaching to pour coffee at wives' luncheons, etc. But it was made quite clear to us that he would not be promoted to the highest ranks if I continued working -- and he wasn't, regardless of what commendations and efforts he made to be a good officer. He has been retired for nearly 30 years and I hope this attitude has changed throughout the military.

Posted Jan. 23, 2021 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 09/02/20

Posts: 23

RE: On average, women spend seven years more doing unpaid work than men. Discuss your perspective on unpaid work done by yourself and other women from your own life.

I decided to go to law school at the age of 30 after I had married and had children. My ex husband was supportive and assisted with child care so that I could succeed and become a lawyer. I would say I was lifted by him and until I read this book I never though of it this way. I uncharitably thought that he did what he did so that I could contribute to the family income. But, I now see that whatever his motives, his assistance with the unpaid work lifted me and enabled me to become a professional. This carried forward to my 4 daughters who, in turn, I lifted, as they have all become amazing women!

Posted Jan. 27, 2021 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 09/26/12

Posts: 181

RE: On average, women spend seven years more doing unpaid work than men. Discuss your perspective on unpaid work done by yourself and other women from your own life.

As an 81 year old women doing things without being paid was the cultural norm. We can give of ourselves without being paid for everything we do. However I do think there should be pay equity between the sexes.


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