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The One-in-a-Million Boy

A richly layered novel of hearts broken seemingly beyond repair and then bound ...
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How does old age change Ona's ideas about friendship? Did reading the novel cause you to examine your own friendships? Have your friendships changed over the years?

Created: 04/16/17

Replies: 6

Posted Apr. 16, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 10/15/10

Posts: 3442

How does old age change Ona's ideas about friendship? Did reading the novel cause you to examine your own friendships? Have your friendships changed over the years?

Before meeting the boy, "Ona had believed herself through with friendship." How does old age change Ona's ideas about friendship? Did reading the novel cause you to examine your own friendships? Have your friendships changed over the years?

Posted May. 02, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 12/01/16

Posts: 292

RE: How does old age change Ona's ideas about friendship? Did reading the novel cause you to examine your own friendships? Have your friendships changed over the years?

Old age changes your view on a lot of issues, especially friendships. If you live to be nearer to Ona's age, you have probably seen some of your friends and family members pass away and might feel alone. This is when you will either embrace new friendships or be so afraid to get involved in one because it may end too soon, leaving you feeling even more alone.

Posted May. 03, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 04/26/17

Posts: 258

RE: How does old age change Ona's ideas about friendship? Did reading the novel cause you to examine your own friendships? Have your friendships changed over the years?

I think many people shrink their circle of friends and family as they age. Some of the older people I admire the most work hard to expand their circle through activities, church or classes that keep them learning new ideas and coming in contact with new people. Ona's life was richest when she had good friends, you are never too old for friendships.

Posted May. 04, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 03/03/12

Posts: 241

RE: How does old age change Ona's ideas about friendship? Did reading the novel cause you to examine your own friendships? Have your friendships changed over the years?

My husband and I are now the oldest living members of our family and we have reacted in different ways. He likes to stay close to home and do what he can around the ranch. I have experienced the loss of my closest friends and have decided to accept more younger people into my life. I hope I can be like Ona and roll with the punches that life delivers. She seems much more open and happy when she is with her new friends.

Posted May. 05, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 10/12/11

Posts: 256

RE: How does old age change Ona's ideas about friendship? Did reading the novel cause you to examine your own friendships? Have your friendships changed over the years?

Those of us who experience true friendships in our lives are most fortunate. As we grow old and lose our close, true friends, we realize that life goes on and we gratefully welcome new individuals into our circle.

Posted May. 05, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 09/15/16

Posts: 53

RE: How does old age change Ona's ideas about friendship? Did reading the novel cause you to examine your own friendships? Have your friendships changed over the years?

Ona didn't really have a lot of friends even when she was younger. She had trouble getting really close to people incluiding her son, Randall & her husband, Howard. As a child she adored Maud-Lucy and felt that she was loved by her. It wasn't until she met Laurentas when he was middle age that she discovered Muad-Lucy really betrayed her. Maud-Lucy had told her Laurentas would always know she was his mother & would have her picture nearby.

When Ono first started her friendship with Louise, it seemed she was more in awe of Louise despite being older, Louise was better educated and tended to buck they system in the way she dressed, etc. Ona was more conservative tha Louise. It wasn't until 20 years later that they truly became friends. Louise becme more like Ona over time and mellowed out so they had more in common.

Ona felt the boy was from another time. He wasn't like all the other kids. I am sure she recognized he was different and didn't fit in and a part of her may have felt his loneliness. She loved that he showed geniune interest in her and took pride in his work. He did not judge her and dismiss her like so many people do with the elderly. He recognized she was a person and had lived a interesting life and had stories to share.

I think as people get older and many of their friends move away to be closer to family or die off, their group of friends gets smaller. Most people have a lot of aquaintenances, but it is harder to find really true friends. Many seniors now attend senior groups to meet people. Ona looked forward to the days when the boy and Quinn came. She thought she was done with friendships. It is nice, no matter how old you are to have someone who takes interest in you, and listens to you. People are meant to be social and have friends no matter the age.

Posted May. 12, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 05/29/15

Posts: 460

RE: How does old age change Ona's ideas about friendship? Did reading the novel cause you to examine your own friendships? Have your friendships changed over the years?

I think it is easy when you reach an age where most all you friends and a lot of family have passed away and you feel like you are just waiting your turn. I think children are a true blessing to the elderly. There is something about their innocence and laughter that reminds them that life continues and happiness is found in the small blessings that come their way.


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