What parallels do you see between past racial discrimination and the civil rights movements and discrimination against lesbian, bisexual, gay and transgendered people and the LGBT rights movement?
Created: 07/16/14
Replies: 5
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Join Date: 03/30/14
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All of us have the same legal rights but discrimination occurs daily, especially to groups that are misunderstood. Education is so important and exposure to people different from yourself can change how you look at the world and combat ignorance.
My family were Irish immigrants and were discriminated against as were Poles,Native Americans,etc. Discrimination is based on ignorance and fear no matter what group is being hurt and education and insistence on legal rights are the main answers.
Thank goodness we have made progress but we need to keep the forward momentum.
Join Date: 09/07/12
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Unfortunately, we don't all have the same legal rights. The civil rights movement was necessary because of the belief of a significant percentage of the population that black people were less 'civilized', less intelligent, and less deserving than white people. After slavery was abolished, this segment of society had to admit that, okay, yes, black people were human, and white people can't own them anymore, but blacks are still fundamentally inferior and should not share schools, public restrooms, drinking fountains, etc. with whites. LGBT people are not necessarily as easily identified as blacks or Native Americans, and because LGBT occurs across racial divides (and because so many LGBT individuals already are professionals, artists, actors, whatever), it's more difficult for white supremacist types to make the same arguments about them. However, LGBT folks are only beginning to have the right to marry the person of their choice, be entitled to the same rights as heterosexual married couples in terms of Federal benefits, etc. And just as there were once people arguing that the Bible supported slavery, there are now people claiming that the Bible condemns homosexuality.
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The efforts to remove discrimination by law are certainly parallel paths. While racial discrimination takes place because of a person's looks, sexual discrimination can be equally devastating. Education is a big part of the answer, but unless there are equal opportunities for everyone there will always be people who feel it is their right to "put down" someone else in order to build up their own self-worth.
Join Date: 04/14/11
Posts: 13
It is a part of bullying and begins in pre-school. We learn poor attitudes from our neighborhood and our families. Not just civil rights movement..any differences through history. People want to feel superior.
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