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When She Woke

"Jordan blends hot-button issues such as separation of Church and State, ...
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Women pay the price for men's power

Created: 11/11/12

Replies: 2

Posted Nov. 11, 2012 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 09/17/11

Posts: 2

Women pay the price for men's power

In "When She Awoke," Hilary Jordan has put a woman into the White Male System writ large and then shows that same young woman triumphing over that System by destroying its foundational myth. In the White Male System, which is always true, always explains everything, always knows the truth, definition of life is more important than life itself and the deductive, deontological ethic that flows from that system must always have the final word on what is right or wrong, good or evil. However, the System ultimately reveals itself as Evil incarnate, as the destructive Procrustean bed from which no one rises unscathed. Only when the animus is made real by the anima, only when we move beyond the male and the female into the non-dual world of the human person, only then can we find compassion beyond power. Hilary Jordan has given us a terrifying glimpse into the world being prepared by the ethnocentric, Ayn Rand disciples who are more and more dominating our governing, our worship, and our culture. "Red" means alarm! When WE awake and see the false system which attempts to judge our live and to impose its power & system upon those lives, we can begin to dismantle the lies that have destroyed the lives and spirits of both men and woman and to see the world and the good through each other's eyes. The truth lies not in laws but in compassionate love tht goes beyond fear into final integrity.

Posted Dec. 04, 2012 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 04/21/11

Posts: 324

RE: Women pay the price for men's power

wow....I had to read this a couple of times and still am sure I quite understand. I agree that historically our laws have been dominated by a white male society although I see signs that's changing. My hope is that before long we can put a woman in the oval office and see what happens although its probably more significant to have a predominately female congress than a female president. But I do agree with your last statement. The truth has never arisen from law and I like to believe it can arise from compassion

Posted Dec. 04, 2012 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 09/17/11

Posts: 2

RE: Women pay the price for men's power

As a white male, I know that I have leverage and options that women and most minorities do not have. That needs to change if we are not only make this world more livable, but possibly, to survive. We males have not come to a point where compassion trumps so-called 'justice' and where the common good outweighs the avarice of the few. A look at make-up of the U.S. Congress shows clearly that it does not mirror America in which white males make up less than 30% of the population, but that Congress is making decisions for the other 70% based on values that have been indoctrinated into us guys from early boyhood--exploitation of the planet, the invasion of other parts of the world to serve our misplaced needs, and the still token quality of inclusion in the decision making apparatus of the country. The years since Barack Obama was elected revealed that vicious racism is right beneath the surface and was an implied and cleverly disguised issue in the fall campaign. Research in medical science still focuses on males and then, by extension, applied it to women, who are obviously not physiologically the same as men and whose medical needs are not the same as men even when dealing with conditions given the same name like 'heart disease.' So, what I was trying to say in my initial comment was that only when we have a wholeness--what Carl Jung called the joining of the "animus" and the "anima"--will we be able to find the peace that is grounded in justice for all people and for the Earth as a whole.


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