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The Wonders

"A surreal and exotic thing, a finely wrought interrogation of the ways we ...
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How far would you go to be accepted by the "in" crowd? Is it worth it when you go beyond your normal level of bending to be accepted?

Created: 03/11/15

Replies: 2

Posted Mar. 11, 2015 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 10/06/14

Posts: 37

How far would you go to be accepted by the "in" crowd? Is it worth it when you go beyond your normal level of bending to be accepted?

I believe this novel has renewed my belief that "to thine own self be true" is the best path to follow in life. While it is important to get along with those with whom we are destined to live and work, as well as the world around us, one can certainly go into very dangerous and ill-advised territory when seeking the approval, acceptance and applause of everyone. Is it worth losing who you truly are to have the supposed admiration of people who probably don't care a fig about you in any way that actually matters? I think not.

Posted Mar. 20, 2015 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 05/31/11

Posts: 166

RE: How far would you go to be accepted by the "in" crowd? Is it worth it when you go beyond your normal level of bending to be accepted?

If anything, I bend the other way. Abhor 'in' crowds/clubs/etc. There is something about a group of people professing their brilliance (our politicians?) that leaves me cold. It seems like logic and honesty go out the window when groups form. Their illogic seems to feed off each other.

Posted Mar. 20, 2015 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert
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Join Date: 03/26/14

Posts: 139

RE: How far would you go to be accepted by the "in" crowd? Is it worth it when you go beyond your normal level of bending to be accepted?

Just this week in Mesa, AZ there was a man who went on a shooting rampage, killing one and injuring six people. His photo showed that he has the words, "Skin Head", tattooed where his eyebrows should be, in addition to other facial tattoos. It has fascinated me to ponder how far this guy went to fit in with his "in group." Because, clearly, these qualify as guaranteed unemployment assurance. I know I would never go that far but have in my youth copied clothing styles of my college friends. Now that I am in my golden years I really don't bother trying to fit in.Take me or leave me.


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