Do you think parents today tend to be too involved in their children's lives, or is close scrutiny necessary because of the advent of the Internet and other dangers?
Created: 05/20/15
Replies: 16
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Families in general seem to be "overbooked" with activities. I think parents should be involved in their children's lives when they are young, to guide them. I think quiet family time is important too but that seems to be an afterthought nowadays. As they become adults we must "give them wings".
Join Date: 05/26/12
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I do think parents today are too involved in the lives of their children, in the sense of being too overprotective. I'm not a parent, but I have many friends and family members with kids. The "helicopter parent" is a new phenomenon. Parents need to let kids be more independent and make decisions on their own. Kids should play outside, get dirty, and eat junk food sometimes.
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Yes. It's difficult as a parent to give your child their wings. If you don't, you haven't completed your parental duties. I'm amazed at the questions I still receive regarding my daughter (who is 32) and people are amazed that I don't know all of the details of her life.
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This is a tough question for me. I'm not a parent but those close to me that are parents are what I consider to have normal involvement in their children's lives and the only thing I have to compare it with was how I was raised. On the other hand, the daily news about children in trouble tells me a lot of parents out there aren't involved enough or at all letting their kids run wild and then are surprised when they get caught breaking the law.
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Parents today seem to be just the same as in my day. Some are involved and some not. Dangers have always been lurking--my older grandchildren can't believe what some of my childhood "adventures" entailed! I wonder if the fact kids have different technical interests than even 20 years ago makes it seem to some people that children are less controlled by parents.
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I believe we have smaller families today and thus parents are more free to get involved in their children's lives. My parents had five children -- we were lucky to get their individual attention just for our individual activities. I only have one child and I have been actively involved in all her activities from the time she was 3. I have the time. The hardest part of being a parent is balancing the "letting go" aspect of discipline. There is no formula as the timing for each child is as different as each child's personality. You have to trust your parenting and advice has been effective each year and when you feel your child is mature enough to start making their own decisions you have to let go so you can be there when they make mistakes and help them through those mistakes, making them learning experiences. If you wait to let go when they are 18, you have done a disservice to your child.
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I think that, on the whole, parents today are more involved in their children's lives, at least compared to my childhood and to an extent my children's early years. I see so much more of adult directed activities than I remember from earlier days, and while many of these are great, it doesn't help to encourage the independence that will be needed by kids as they grow up.
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Its a fine line over being too involved and not involved enough. I was from a large family so there was very little parental involvement. I had one child so I was probably over involved. The bottom line is that both I and my child turned out just fine so I am not sure if the amount of parental involvement affects the person that the child becomes.
Join Date: 05/29/15
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Some parents are too involved in their children's lives and then there are some who are not and should be. Parenting these days is trial and error at its best. And too, a lot depends on the child. Some need more parenting than others. If you are too controlling then they will rebel and if you are too lax they can get themselves into all kinds of trouble. Communities can oftentimes create a balance. That's the way it was when I grew up. If I did something wrong my folks knew before I got home!
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Yes, too involved in making decisions and hovering over their kids, yet not involved in allowing their kids to become responsible and independent. Although the society has changed and parenting is difficult at best it seems to me that kids of today are more worldly because of the technology but way less self assured and independent without the technology.
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Yes I do. Yet on the other hand we did not have all of these pressures from peers and drugs like these kids do today, not to mention safety issues. I remember being kicked out eay in the morning and not to come back from playing until dinner. That would never happen now.
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No, I don't think so. I was allowed to do so many things as a teenager that I never allowed my own kids to do. I was always expecting my kids to get into trouble, like I did. My parents were involved in other activities and enjoyed traveling with out us . Since we were all adopted I always wondered why did they even bother? I think as young children you cannot be too involved. When your children become adults, you need to let go and let them invite you into their lives.
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Join Date: 04/22/11
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I think that many parents tend to be too involved in the lives of their children. In some instances, I have noticed that the children expect the parents to "fight" for them instead of allowing the child(ren) to work out the situation. I feel that parents should allow children to make their own decisions, but step in if it appears the solution is dangerous. Parents need to help their child(ren) to develop roots and then give wings.
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