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The Arsonist

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Are there any specific characteristics that are "undeniably American" in nature? Do you feel that you are undeniably a native of the country of your birth?

Created: 07/25/14

Replies: 2

Posted Jul. 25, 2014 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert
donnac's Gravatar

Join Date: 03/26/14

Posts: 139

Are there any specific characteristics that are "undeniably American" in nature? Do you feel that you are undeniably a native of the country of your birth?

On page 9, Frankie says that she is "undeniably an American after all." How does she reach this conclusion? Are there any specific characteristics that are "undeniably American" in nature? For good or ill? Do you feel that you are undeniably a native of the country of your birth?

Posted Jul. 28, 2014 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 05/08/11

Posts: 113

RE: Are there any specific characteristics that are "undeniably American" in nature? Do you feel that you are undeniably a native of the country of your birth?

Americans are fixers. We are optimistic enough to believe we can fix any problem if we only try hard enough. Not really true, but the belief propels us onward anyway.

Posted Aug. 14, 2014 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 12/03/11

Posts: 280

RE: Are there any specific characteristics that are "undeniably American" in nature? Do you feel that you are undeniably a native of the country of your birth?

Maybe not so much "undeniably American" as "undeniably first world," in this era of instant communication. I think the optimism mentioned by Becky might be a part of life in many countries, but the American view that we can fix anything by trying hard enough or spending enough money on the problem does seem to me to be uniquely a feature of those in the U.S. It's notable though that Frankie's fellow aid workers come from several countries, showing that idealism isn't limited to the U.S.


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