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Visible Empire

An epic novel—based on true events—of love, grief, race, and wealth.
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What does Piedmont's decision about the robbery say about him? And why did the author tell us this information secondhand rather than through him?

Created: 08/07/19

Replies: 4

Posted Aug. 07, 2019 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 10/15/10

Posts: 3442

What does Piedmont's decision about the robbery say about him? And why did the author tell us this information secondhand rather than through him?

Why did Piedmont ultimately decide not to go through with the robbery at the Pink Chateau? What does this decision say about his character, and why do you think the author chose to impart the information about the robbery to the reader secondhand, through Tito's account to Anastasia?

Posted Aug. 13, 2019 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 08/10/17

Posts: 215

RE: What does Piedmont's decision about the robbery say about him? And why did the author tell us this information secondhand rather than through him?

Although it seemed difficult for him, deciding not to participate in the robbery showed that he had moral courage and knew right from wrong, although he did not always express himself well. Tito’s version was very dramatic, and then later we find out the mayor will protect Piedmont due to the influence of Raif.

Posted Aug. 19, 2019 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 08/12/16

Posts: 246

RE: What does Piedmont's decision about the robbery say about him? And why did the author tell us this information secondhand rather than through him?

I think it showed what we believed the whole time, that Piedmont was a very moral young man who didn’t really like trouble. I think he felt the discrimination of his race as much as the other black people in Atlanta, but I don’t think he felt the rage that the other young men had. I know that he felt wronged, but not to the degree of revenge that the others felt. And he was always worried about what his mom would think. He had quite a conscience.

Posted Aug. 20, 2019 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 02/06/17

Posts: 438

RE: What does Piedmont's decision about the robbery say about him? And why did the author tell us this information secondhand rather than through him?

I think Piedmont didn't go through with the robbery because he realized that the "movement" and stealing were two completely different things. To participate in the robbery would have given those opposed to the Civil Rights Movement the justification they needed to do so. Had Piedmont participated, he would have been playing into the negative stereotype that many people have about black people. Even though Piedmont didn't like the way black people were treated, he did not seem to believe in punishing ALL white people. He demonstrated this when he felt guilty for his vengeful thoughts after the plane crash.

I think Tito told the story of the robbery as an attempt to explain where he and Skyler got the idea to rob Genie. I'm guessing he was also probably stoned or drunk- -added to the major haul they were about to take, he was very pumped up. He could also have been a bit hysterical about almost being robbed at gunpoint.

Posted Sep. 14, 2019 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 12/03/11

Posts: 276

RE: What does Piedmont's decision about the robbery say about him? And why did the author tell us this information secondhand rather than through him?

For me, Piedmont's decision not to participate in the robbery is two-fold. it shows that he absorbed the moral compass with which his mother had brought him up, and it shows that he does indeed, as someone above said, know the difference between a social action movement and stealing. Telling this from Tito's viewpoint was at first surprising to me, but then I realized that doing so caused me as a reader to really think about why Piedmont abandoned taking part in the robbery and decided to return home to his mother.


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