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Visible Empire

An epic novel—based on true events—of love, grief, race, and wealth.
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Lulu says "Someone has to pay for this." Whom does she believe must pay? And, does anyone ultimately end up paying?

Created: 08/07/19

Replies: 4

Posted Aug. 07, 2019 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 10/15/10

Posts: 3442

Lulu says "Someone has to pay for this." Whom does she believe must pay? And, does anyone ultimately end up paying?

On page 72, Lulu says to Ivan, "Someone has to pay for this." Discuss the significance of this. Whom does she believe must pay? And, does anyone ultimately end up paying?

Posted Aug. 12, 2019 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 01/01/16

Posts: 444

RE: Lulu says

I am not sure who Lulu thought should pay, but ultimately who paid for this was the rich in Atlanta. All of the people who lost family and friends. What a loss to these people and to Atlanta.

Posted Aug. 13, 2019 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 08/10/17

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RE: Lulu says "Someone has to pay for this." Whom does she believe must pay? And, does anyone ultimately end up paying?

I thought Lulu’s feelings about who was responsible and who should pay seemed to change from day to day. When some major tragedy occurs in a city, the people always pay in a form of collective pain and guilt.
It’s not exactly the same but I am from Dallas and the assassination of President Kennedy still hangs over the city in a way.

Posted Aug. 19, 2019 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert
skagitgrits's Gravatar

Join Date: 02/24/17

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RE: Lulu says

There is always a consequence to an action and Lulu knew this to be a fact. It would be someone "paying the piper," though I am unsure who she thought might pay. Ultimately, we all lose when acts of evil or bad will's just a matter of time.

Posted Aug. 19, 2019 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 02/06/17

Posts: 438

RE: Lulu says

I understand that the death of family and friends is difficult - Lulu was angry, sad, and overwhelmed. Thinking about justice sometimes makes me feel better when I am feeling powerless. At the same time, I was a little confused where Lulu was going with this. The plane crash was an accident; none of these people were intentionally harmed. I think in some ways Piedmont's comment about Atlanta having this coming was his own answer to who has to pay for the daily tragedies and injustices of the black population. But no one targeted this group of 120 for the hostilities across the south during the 1960's.

I thought Lulu's comment showed the vast divide between the wealthy and everyone else. She was oblivious to atrocities being committed across the south. It didn't affect her, so she wasn't really paying attention. Her focus was on 120 rich people as opposed to the larger community her husband served.

I don't know if suing for damages was as popular in the 1960's as it is today. As wealthier people often have greater access to lawyers and more resources to pursue lawsuits, maybe Lulu was just thinking about who could be sued for this.


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