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Circling the Sun

An intoxicatingly vivid portrait of colonial Kenya and its privileged ...
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How would Beryl's life have been different if her Mother had stayed in Kenya? Would she have still been a strong, determined woman?

Created: 09/12/16

Replies: 6

Posted Sep. 12, 2016 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert
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How would Beryl's life have been different if her Mother had stayed in Kenya? Would she have still been a strong, determined woman?

I think she would have still been a strong, determined woman, but I do wonder if she had her Mother's love and affection, would she have fought so hard for her independence. Perhaps if she had grown up in an environment that always felt safe and secure, and one in which she always knew she was loved unconditionally, she might not have been as driven to prove herself.

Posted Sep. 14, 2016 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

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RE: How would Beryl's life have been different if her Mother had stayed in Kenya? Would she have still been a strong, determined woman?

It hard to say if her life would have been different because we do not how much Mothering her mother was capable of. I feel Beryl would have felt much better about her life if her Mother had stayed. She had the feeling of abandonment most of her life.

Posted Sep. 15, 2016 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

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RE: How would Beryl's life have been different if her Mother had stayed in Kenya? Would she have still been a strong, determined woman?

The 'what if's' are always intriguing.... because they change the story completely. Beryl, with her exact Mom who was portrayed as self-centered and arrogant? Maybe she would not have felt abandonment, but would she have learned arrogance? Would she be even more self-centered? Personally, while experiences impact internal strength and determination, I do not think they form it. One is born with a certain nature... nurtured or not, it emerges. She would be determined and strong regardless.

Posted Sep. 15, 2016 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

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RE: How would Beryl's life have been different if her Mother had stayed in Kenya? Would she have still been a strong, determined woman?

I think from early on, Beryl's mother gave up on her else why would she have left without her even though she took her son? I think Beryl was not particular malleable and although she might have been given a few more social graces, I'm not sure that is likely. I think she would have been a strong, determined woman whether her mother stayed or not.

Posted Sep. 15, 2016 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

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RE: How would Beryl's life have been different if her Mother had stayed in Kenya? Would she have still been a strong, determined woman?

Beryl may have been even more resentful of women & what was expected of them. It wasn't a time when women could find a voice or even who they were. Beryl was amazing for such a YOUNG person would her mother have provided any support? I think not.

Posted Sep. 20, 2016 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

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RE: How would Beryl's life have been different if her Mother had stayed in Kenya? Would she have still been a strong, determined woman?

Her mother wasn't loving or affectionate, so Beryl may have been better off without her mother. She may have fought against her mother's social prejudices and had a relationship that was worse than distant and cold.

Posted Sep. 21, 2016 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 06/13/11

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RE: How would Beryl's life have been different if her Mother had stayed in Kenya? Would she have still been a strong, determined woman?

If her Mother had stayed in Kenya, perhaps Beryl wouldn't have felt she had to marry Jock. Also, she might have had a better understand of what marriage involved. She certainly wasn't the "little housewife" type, but her mother's influence may have prepared her a little better.


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