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The Supremes at Earl's All-You-Can-Eat

"Jam-packed with warmth, honesty, wit, travail, and just enough madcap humor to ...
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How do the Supremes' mothers exert influence on their adult lives? Who is most like her mother as she gets older?

Created: 04/08/13

Replies: 2

Posted Apr. 08, 2013 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 10/15/10

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How do the Supremes' mothers exert influence on their adult lives? Who is most like her mother as she gets older?

As the Supremes grow older, how do their mothers – whether alive or dead - continue to exert an influence on their adult lives? Who is most like her mother as she gets older?

Posted Apr. 09, 2013 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 04/28/11

Posts: 71

RE: How do the Supremes' mothers exert influence on their adult lives? Who is most like her mother as she gets older?

I think all our mothers influence us throughout our lives. They have the most impact on us and help shape us as people. In fact, I can provide a very good example. I have two stepdaughters who have become more like me than their own mother, despite the fact that one of them stayed with her mother until age 18. The other lived with us from age 10. Mothers shape our lives from day one. They can make us strong or weak, responsible or not...
Odette is probably most like her mom. She deals with life head on instead of hiding behind the shadows of infidelity and alcoholism.

Posted Apr. 11, 2013 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 04/22/11

Posts: 26

RE: How do the Supremes' mothers exert influence on their adult lives? Who is most like her mother as she gets older?

I agree that Odette is most like her mom. And her mother's influence is so strong that it continues after her death. Odette can "hear" what her mother says about certain people and situations as though she were still right there with her.


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