Does Cassie’s final revelation to Judy about her own teen pregnancy explain her behavior toward Judy and Kamran? Does it excuse her behavior?
Created: 03/11/12
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I think that revelation from Cassie's past in no way either excuses or explains her behavior. I think Cassie's mom really screwed her up in many ways but I also believe that for her and all people really, there comes a time in one's life that blaming our parents for our issues just doesn't work anymore. What I see in Cassie is someone who tends to always put her own desires and needs ahead of everyone around her and that personality is quaranteed to be a failure as a mother and as a wife. The quilt she expresses makes me feel she always knew the right thing to do but just couldn't control her own wants for the sake of anyone.
Join Date: 04/28/11
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I agree wholeheartedly with Joyce. There is NO excuse or explanation sufficient for her behavior. I keep telling my children all the time that you are responsible for who you become. Blaming the parents for the way things turned out is just a cop out. I had to overcome my parents' shortcomings and go on with my life and take responsibility for my own actions. That is what makes us strong and able to overcome life's obstacles.
I do think we have to look at how our parents raised us and realize that when we became old enough to start making our own decisions, the choices we made and the things we did were our own doing and our parents had nothing to do with it.
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I think it explains it, but it doesn't excuse it. Nothing can excuse the way she treats her children. As mentioned in another post, I understand why she does what she does, I just think it's wrong. I feel sorry for her, but there are plenty of people who experience tragedy and make a conscious effort for it to stop with them and not take it to the next generation. (I feel like I see this a lot with people whose parents have divorced and they are making every effort not to have this happen to their own children.) Still, a person is a product of their past, and Cassie's experiences clearly shaped her, but she doesn't stand up to her past, she lets it victimize her, and that's where the fault is. The self-victimization is a personal choice.
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I don't think Cassie's past history explains or excuses her behavior. We all have to live through very difficult circumstances. Nobody has a perfect life. It is how we choose to react to those circumstances and to treat those people around us that matters. Cassie failed that test.
Join Date: 03/22/12
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I agree with all of the posts here. We all have something in our past that would provide excuses for the way we are. The rape and child that was put up for adoption no doubt affected Cassie, I think what affected hermore though was the way her mother treated her. I think she never bonde with her mother and therefore was never able to bond with either of her children. She also did not seem to be able to form a good relationship with men.
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