Gretchen writes, "Everyone’s happiness project will be different." How would your happiness project be
different from Gretchen's? How might it be the same?
Created: 01/06/14
Replies: 8
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I would start with more yoga and make meditation a central part of a concerted effort to be happier. I find them both to be at once calming and energizing. I have a great deal of hope that my forthcoming retirement will grant me the ability to set up a daily practice. Then, I hope to follow some of Gretchen Rubinstein suggestions too. If I can't slow down time, at least I can hope to live more mindfully.
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I haven't finished the book yet, so I may be missing something, but at my stage in life, I find happiness in lack of conflict, in sharing information with others, and just feeling content. I don't feel the need to go searching out ways to be happy. When I was younger, I was depressed about and by many things; now I try not to worry about issues such as my own happiness quotient.
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I can't deal with all the pithy catchphrases and "Be Gretchen" slogans, but I would probably benefit from a simplified version of her approach: just observing what things make me feel happy, not in the short term, but in my life over time. Some of those things require some prep work that's not always easy or comfortable, but once you have the conditions for happiness in place, you can capitalize on that. For me, that means making time in my life for the things I need to feel good about myself: writing, reading and exercise. If I have those anchors, it's easier to be generous with my family and interested in what they want and need.
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I agree with Gretchen that everyone's project would and should be different. My project would probably have me looking more towards making me happy and not so much everyone around me. I tend to take care of everyone else's needs before my own.
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I think only thinking about what makes me happy, will only undermine my real happiness. I have found that what makes me the most happy, is when I am doing something for someone else. If I put more focus on loving, helping, praying for inspiration, for others then I am really making a difference in this world. I become a giver and not a taker. I would encourage everyone to try doing something nice for a stranger, a friend, or family member and you would be suprised at how joyful you will become.
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