The Happiness Project is packed with quotations. Which quotation resonated most with you? Do you have a quotation that has been particularly meaningful in your own life—that you’ve included in your email signature or taped to your desk, for example?
Created: 01/06/14
Replies: 9
Join Date: 10/15/10
Posts: 3442
The Happiness Project is packed with quotations. Which quotation resonated most with you? Do you have a quotation that has been particularly meaningful in your own life—that you’ve included in your email signature or taped to your desk, for example?
Join Date: 12/07/12
Posts: 68
My favorite is the following:
Live as long as you may, the first twenty years of your life are the longest half of your life. They appear so while they are passing;they seem to have been so when we look back on them; and they take up more room in our memory than all the years that succeed them.
Robert Southey. I loved his amusing summary of how we all view the years as they rush by.
The days are long and the years are short.
None of us will ever have "enough" time unless we start using the limited time we have to do the things that give us happiness, satisfaction, pleasure, security, comfort. We all need to examine how we are spending time. We need to make every effort to make the best use of time.
Join Date: 04/16/12
Posts: 26
The quotations were one of my favorite things about the book. One of my favorite quotations is. "Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful" by William Morris.
Join Date: 06/19/12
Posts: 413
Frankly, I sometimes felt like I was reading a list from Bartlett's Familiar Quotations on happiness. By the middle of the book, I found myself becoming irritated every time another one appeared.
Join Date: 08/16/11
Posts: 30
"The days are long but the years are short" This resonates with me -- At age 61 I have lost several very good friends. Memories of moments, conversations, and events are all that is left but are still enough to bring a jolt of pure (okay I'm going to say it.... "happiness")
Join Date: 04/24/13
Posts: 14
I loved reading the quotations in this book. When I think about it, it is very hard to pick my favorite. But in fact, it really boils down to a very simple one: "Be Gretchen." Be who you are. Be your genuine self. The hard part in that, sometimes, is recognizing and accepting who your genuine self is. For me that is a life long search, and an interesting challenge. One of my favorite quotes is from Johann Van Goethe: "Just trust yourself, and you will know how to live." This goes along with "be lynna" for you must know yourself pretty well in order to trust yourself.
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Join Date: 05/12/11
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Idon't remember it being in the book but one I need to go by more often is, "just because you can, doesn't mean you should". Another one I have used many times is: "So, what is your hope?" It has brought out so many heart memories of others!
Join Date: 04/25/12
Posts: 51
I found many many of the quotes resonated with me, but I especially liked Walt Whitman's:
"Happiness, knowledge, not in another place, but this place, not for another hour, but this hour".
Be present where ever you are---perfect!
Join Date: 06/20/13
Posts: 27
I copied several of the quotes down as I was reading the book, but I have 3 favorites. "The days are long but the years are short." As a parent of 3 boys, I am so tired by the end of the day, and some days I think are never going to end! But in the big picture, I know my time with my sons will pass so quickly. I need to enjoy these long days more!
The second quote that I loved was "Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful. I have too much stuff, and really should take pictures to remember the item, but then get rid of it.
My Most favorite quote was " Accept yourself but expect more from yourself." I am one of those people that constantly think I should be doing something to improve. This quote reminded me that every day starts a new day, and what I don't get accomplished on one day, I can always start the next and feel good about myself.
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