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The City

A coming-of-age tale of a jazz prodigy finding his way in 1960s New York City.
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How do Jonah's everyday heroes influence the person he becomes. Do you have your own unsung heroes who've inspired you?

Created: 07/14/14

Replies: 3

Posted Jul. 14, 2014 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 10/15/10

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Everyday Heroes

Jonah's view of what makes a hero changes as he grows – from superhero to everyday hero. Do you have your own unsung heroes who've inspired you?

Jonah remarks on the fact that there weren't many heroes for him to emulate growing up, as most prominent African Americans in pop culture were either sports stars or musicians, never the champions who took down the bad guys, and "taking down bad guys is fundamentally what you want in your model of a hero." That definition changes for him over time, and he finds everyday heroes in his family and community. How do these figures influence the person he becomes?

Do you have your own unsung heroes who've inspired you?

In what ways does the influence of such individuals ripple outward, extending beyond their immediate circles to the wider world, in the novel and in reality?

Posted Jul. 14, 2014 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 09/09/13

Posts: 164

RE: How do Jonah's everyday heroes influence the person he becomes. Do you have your own unsung heroes who've inspired you?

Jonah's family and extended family served as his heros. This young man was nurtured by loving hands and he accepted with open eyes, heart and mind. Jonah also faced his challenges head on with his nevetprending positive attitude. He was supported and surrounded by loving family and friends simply because he gave so much equally. Jonah was a good human being and was blessed and blessed others. He was a hero to others as well as having his heros to admire.

Posted Jul. 15, 2014 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 06/15/11

Posts: 229

RE: How do Jonah's everyday heroes influence the person he becomes. Do you have your own unsung heroes who've inspired you?

I did. A large nurturing family … with a few black sheep to prove what NOT to do. Some of my most influential heroes were in the books I read as a child. The father in 'TO KILL A MOCKING BIRD" is one who comes readily to mind. I feel that's a real lack for those children who don't learn to enjoy reading early. If they are not blessed with a good, nurturing family and friends structure, they can find heroes on the written page. They can be as powerful a hero as those who are real everyday heroes.

Posted Jul. 21, 2014 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 06/13/11

Posts: 102

RE: How do Jonah's everyday heroes influence the person he becomes. Do you have your own unsung heroes who've inspired you?

Living with positive, loving people had a lot to do with how the adult Jonah faced the world. He also encountered the bad apples that served as negative examples. My heroes were women who accomplished a lot in the world. They weren't rich or famous but they were honest and true to their principles. Many we're teachers.


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