This wasn't my favorite book. I had to work to finish it. I found the women unsympathetic and not very developed. There were some interesting themes brought out but it wasn't compelling enough.
Created: 05/22/13
Replies: 24
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I gave this book four out of five stars. It kept me turning the pages and the characters and situations were interesting. Nathan was never real to me. He was such a jerk that I just couldn't see why Tia and Juliette were so crazy about him. I think his lack of character development was a flaw in the book.
Join Date: 12/04/12
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This book was an OK read for me, but not highly memorable. The book was compelling enough to finish it because the situations were interesting to read about although I found it difficult in the beginning to get "into" the book.
Like others, I never really felt Nathan's character. He cheated on Juliette and turned his back on Tia once she was pregnant, and yet all the women in the book seem to be mesmerized by him, including Caroline.
Join Date: 10/18/12
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For most of the book I viewed it as a three star read, primarily because I really did not care for the main characters at all. I did not like either Tia or Nathan and largely felt that their actions were selfish. The ending of the book increased it to a four star read for me, as I saw the characters start to make decisions that were not as self indulgent.
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Norahp, I particularly liked the theme about using lies to comfort you or someone else. Also, reading about the three women's different perception of romance/love and why you choose someone. Also, the theme of generational wounding and the impact of parent's behavior on their chidren's life choices.
Join Date: 12/22/11
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I thought the first part of the book was much more interesting/engaging than the last part of the book that became more predictable.
It takes two people to have an affair and yes, Nathan should have know better but for him being with Tia was just a stroke to his ego and it was too easy for him. It was a step on the "wild" side for him that needed a jolt to make him stop the affair. That he did not follow up with Tia after she got pregnant does make him a jerk.
Tia heard what she wanted to hear coming from Nathan and if her only close friend on the other side of the country - there was no close friend to tell Tia - look at the mess you are making of your life.
Then when her mother became sick and dying a couple of days before she gave birth - Tia was in a spot that most people would not recover from without help.
Join Date: 04/21/11
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I really enjoyed it. I thought the characters were very complex, if not always very likable. But that doesn't matter to me -- I don't have to like every character. I was very interested to see how it would all play out -- when Juliette invited Caroline to the spa, when Nathan and Tia went to see their "baby" -- lots of good twists and turns!
Join Date: 10/25/12
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I liked the book because you get inside each of the women and see from their perspective. While i didn't sympathize with Tia, she was used by a selfish human being didn't care about her feelings or his wife's feelings. The book deals with a common situation and does it very well. I will recommend this book.
Join Date: 01/14/12
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The book was an okay read for me. I felt that the character of Juliette was pushing it a little far. I didn't find it realistic that she would want the baby that her husband created during an affair. He obviously wanted nothing to do with that child since he didn't even tell his wife while confessing the affair that he had gotten the woman pregnant. The character of Caroline was also a reach for me because I would think that when you go through an adoption agency you are really wanting a child and this woman did not want a child. I thought it was in poor taste the way that character was developed. I would hope that in real life a child that is adopted is given to two parents who want them and not just doing it for the husband's sake. The only character that I thought was great was Tia. She didn't want to give up her child, but she was really left with no choice and made the right decision for her child. She truly was looking out for the best interest of the child.
Join Date: 04/10/13
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I liked the book and I thought the author did a good job of developing the characters. Although I did not particularly like them or identify with them, I thought I had a good understanding and insight into each one. I had a hard time understanding Juliette's need to include Savannah in their lives and particularly to meet the other women. I think she wanted to prove to herself that Nathan no longer cared about Tia and that kind of backfired because Nathan wasn't a particularly honorable person. Making the child part of their lives would have certainly thrown Nathan and Tia together. I look forward to other books by this author.
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I did like the book, although at times I thought it to be tedious. The author developed the characters well enough to make me want to shake them and was compelled to finish and was pleased to see that there was growth and understanding of situations.
Join Date: 03/24/13
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I did finish the book but will say it was not a favorite. I found myself very frustrated with the characters constant poor decisions throughout the majority of the book. I kept reading and thinking "not again"! I was relieved in the end that there were some positive endings. I'm glad Tia made it to CA but not too sure she won't get sucked into another bad relationship. I hope her friend will be a good sounding board for her moving forward. I'm hopeful for Caroline, Peter and Savannah. Getting away from their "live to impress" world and making decisions as a couple could be just what their marriage and family needs. Fingers crossed on than one! And as far as Nathan and Juliette, I worry for their boys and I would have sent Nathan packing...for good! As the saying goes, when people show you who they are, believe them the first time!
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I thought this was a fascinating read! I enjoyed the characters - even though none were particularly likeable - especially Nathan!
I think their situation is just so much different than anything I could ever imagine or have ever experienced. (And hopefully never will!)
I like that the novel takes an intimate look at infidelity and all of its possible repercussions.
Join Date: 09/14/11
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I have to agree with a lot of what Johannam said. At times I got really angry at the characters, but I had to read to the end, because the book did fascinate me. Having had experience with adoptions (my first grandchild was put out for adoption, and we could not take her), I know there are people who adopt, even though they don't want to do so. It can be nasty for the child; believe me! I've also had experience with convenience lies (another grandchild not told our son wasn't his birth father) and what they can do to a child. This may have been part of the "hold" the book had on me, though I enjoyed the writing and the story.
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Join Date: 09/04/11
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I read the book over one weekend - it was a quick read. However I agree with some of the other readers - the characters were aggravating, so much so that it was hard to decide if I actually liked the book. The decisions of the characters were maddening at times but I kept reading to see what happened next.
Join Date: 05/19/12
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I read the book over one rainy day and was intrigued by the characters and their emotions, choices, etc. Though I alternated between disliking and then, understanding the characters and their decisions/motives, in the end I found that I really enjoyed the story and its complexities. Although a bit unrealistic (but then again, maybe not!), the theme explored all the ramifications of infidelity and the nuances of life and marriage and friendship.
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Join Date: 10/21/10
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I haven't made a reply because I was an 'adoptee ' in a similar situation. Similar but oh so different...The adoption came out of WWII. I can say there was no comfort on my part just the lies. Life was hell. I haven't written a book because I wouldn't want to hear from readers telling me their own adoption was just a wonderful relationship. I thought perhaps the book would give me something I hadn't felt before, didn't think of before, but no, it offered nothing for me. When you release a child for adoption it should be an open adoption, no matter what the situation. Trust me, no matter what, the child will understand -- even though the circumstances might be shocking. This book brought up thoughts of how long I watched crowds to find someone who looked like me and all sorts of other things I looked for.
Join Date: 04/22/11
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Join Date: 12/26/11
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I liked this book for awhile. I was intrigued as to where the author was going with the plot line. I read and read and read and waited and waited and waited to like the characters, to see some change in any of the women or Nathan. It never really happened. I found it hard to like any of them. I wanted somebody to learn something! I really started disliking Tia, Juliette and Caroline the closer I got to the end of the book. And Nathan? What was so great about him? He was a cheating creep. I finally flipped to the back of the book and read the last few pages to see if it went anywhere. I had no desire to read the tidy little wrap-up of the other characters. So disappointed.
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