Is there a figure in The Radium Girls that resonates more strongly with you than others? If so, what part of their story or character stood out?
Created: 07/29/18
Replies: 8
Join Date: 10/15/10
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Join Date: 07/16/14
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Obviously, Katherine Donahue stands out but so does Peggy Looney and her red wagon. Who can forget the virtuous Mollie Maggia laid to rest as a victim of syphilis. Grace Fryer's portrait haunts me and Margaret Purcell cleaning a frying pan by holding its handle under her chin--the list goes on--each one resonates for a different reason. Poor Katherine Shaub almost losing her mind--dear God
Join Date: 12/01/16
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I was so focused on trying to keep their names and stories separate that I ended up viewing them as a whole. It was so utterly tragic what happened to them and I was grateful that they banded together for strength and courage.
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Posts: 19
Catherine Donahue stood out to me. Her strength and resilience were amazing. She drew strength from the trial and her desire to continue to be involved with her children.
Join Date: 05/11/16
Posts: 40
Katherine Donahue is the figure that stood out for me. She was amazing! Struggling with her illness, she
persisted with the trial to get justice for all the women touched by the harmful radium. Her dedication and strength were amazing.
Join Date: 10/23/12
Posts: 85
I really believe that the husbands and families, like Catherine's, were amazing with their support of both the health and well being of these women and the lawsuit itself. It was not easy to take such a stand at that time in history!
Join Date: 11/05/17
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Join Date: 05/29/15
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Katherinep said it the best. I admired each and every one of them for just being who where were and for fighting the good fight. These women will stay in my memory forever.
Join Date: 03/22/12
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