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BookBrowse News Update

Jun 10, 2019

ALA Book Club Central Article: So Much Love for Library Book Groups!

Book Club Central LogoI have a confession to make. I used to think that participation in public library book groups would be somewhat transient—people would drop in for a few months while they decided if they liked the concept, at which point they'd go off and join a private group, or start their own.

How wrong I was! BookBrowse recently released a report on the dynamics of book groups: The Inner Lives of Book Clubs. One of the significant findings of the report reflects how much people love their library book groups and how loyal they are to them.

  • Statistically speaking, there is barely a difference between happiness in public groups compared to private ones: 71% of those in public book clubs (most of which meet in libraries) say they are very happy in their group, 24% say they are somewhat happy.
  • 69% of those in public groups say their book club is "very important" to them—the exact same percentage as in private groups.
  • 57% of respondents in public book clubs (most of which meet in libraries) have been with their group at least five years!

The research shows that public library book clubs are a great fit for many who are looking to join a book group. For example:

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BookBrowse is a destination for avid readers of intelligent fiction and narrative nonfiction, particularly book clubbers and those who read to expand their horizons. Readers visit BookBrowse looking to find out what’s new, and to explore their specific reading interests in a carefully curated environment that allows them to bypass the noise of less selective and crowd-sourced sites to easily find the books that are right for them.

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BookBrowse has been researching readers and book clubs for more than 15 years, during which time weve researched more than 20,000 readers and book club members. Published research includes: "Book Clubs in the US" (2015), "The Inner Lives of Book Clubs" (2019) and "Book Clubs in Lockdown":


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